About me
Clémence Delmas…
… in countries: France, Germany, Switzerland, Niger, Senegal, Morocco, Turkey.
… in languages: French, German, English (Spanish, Arabic).
… in citizenships: French, German.
… in diplomas: Political Sciences, English and German studies.
… in years of professional experience: 20.
Localization: Chaumont, Switzerland (NE)
More information...
What i do
I translate your documents written in English or German into French, my native language. For translations into German or English, I use the services of carefully selected translators who are native speakers.
I check the terminology, ensure consistency and improve the style of texts written in or translated into French. My speciality: editing texts written by native German or English speakers.
I correct spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, punctuation, syntax errors and typos in texts written in or translated into French. Proofreading does not imply checking contents.
Other :
Are you looking for work or searching for trade partners in Germany or France? Do you want to organise a joint conference with German or French institutions? Do you want to do a bibliographical search in German or French? Are you thinking of organising a youth exchange with the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO)? Or have you heard of an innovative German or French initiative that would be worthwhile importing to your country? My linguistic, scientific and technical skills are at your disposal.

- Political science
- Sociology
- Migration studies
- History
- ...
- Environment
- Human rights
- Gender
- Corruption
- Micro-finance
- ...
- Quranic research
- ...
(Specialisation in progress)
- Naturopathy
- Phytotherapy
- Aromatherapy
- ...
An odd mixture?
It is the fruit of my intellectual, personal and geographical wanderings…
I am not an expert in all the disciplines of each of these four fields: each discipline is a world in itself.
Send me your text and I will tell you if I am qualified to translate it properly.
I regularly translate texts in other fields, such as marketing or tourism.
However, I never translate purely legal, technical or medical texts.
3 languages
German, English, French.4 specialities
20 years
of experienceTypes of text / formats
Types :
- Reports
- Scientific articles
- Books
- Brochures
- Web sites
- Newsletters
- etc.
Formats :
- doc
- xls
- html
- ppt
- xml
- etc.
Additional services :
- • Use of CMS (especially: Wordpress and TYPO3): I can add translated texts directly to your Web site.
- • Writing for the Web : I am skilled in Web writing and natural language indexing.
- • Terminology : I maintain numerous terminology databases.
- • Text formatting : I work with skilled graphic designers who at your request will format my translations to comply with your graphic charter.

Professional translating
The ingredients
• Daily neuronal training
• Specialised dictionaries and glossaries
• Powerful computer
• Translation and terminology software
• Time
Added ingredients…
• Painstaking care
• Intellectual curiosity
For reasons of confidentiality, I cannot reveal the identity of my customers (direct or indirect).
They are private businesses, public institutions, research institutes, international bodies, NGOs, consultants, researchers, etc.
The rates below are purely indicative. You must send me your documents
so that I can draw up a personalised quote for your translation depending on the work entailed,
the difficulty of the text, the format, the total volume and the deadline.
Read the FAQ!