Phobias was noted on this page alphabetically by the its medical or scientific name

Agraphobia– Concern with sexual punishment

If you are looking getting a certain anxiety (anxiety about spiders, concern with pet, etc), look at the directory of phobias by group

Posts underlined may indicate almost every other more severe anxiety conditions such as OCD. Some fears may also indicate self confidence things, PTSD otherwise forms of abuse. Delight select “On Phobias” to find out more

Ablutophobia– Concern with washing or bathrooms. Acarophobia– Concern about irritation or of bugs that can cause itching. Achluophobia– Anxiety about darkness. Acousticophobia– Fear of noise. Acrophobia– Concern with heights. Aeroacrophobia– Concern with open large towns. Agateophobia– Concern with insanity. Agliophobia– Fear of aches. Agoraphobia– Concern about open room or to be in congested, public venues instance areas. Agrizoophobia– Concern about wild animals. Agyrophobia– Concern about roadways otherwise crossing the street. Aichmophobia– Fear of needles otherwise indicated items. Ailurophobia– Concern with kittens. Albuminurophobia– Concern with kidney condition. Alektorophobia– Concern about chickens. Algophobia– Fear of serious pain. Alliumphobia– Concern about garlic. Allodoxaphobia– Fear of opinions. Altophobia– Concern about levels. Amathophobia– Fear of dirt. Amaxophobia– Fear of operating in a car. Ambulophobia– Concern about strolling. Amnesiphobia– Anxiety about amnesia. Amychophobia– Concern about damage or being scratched. Anablephobia– Anxiety about searching for. Androphobia– Concern with men. Angrophobia – Fear of anger otherwise to become furious. Anthropophobia– Fear of some one or society. Antlophobia– Concern with flooding. Anuptaphobia– Concern with being solitary. Aphenphosmphobia– Fear of are touched. Apiphobia– Fear of bees. Apotemnophobia– Anxiety about people which have amputations. Arachibutyrophobia– Fear of peanut butter staying with brand new roof of one’s throat. Arachnephobia otherwise Arachnophobia– Concern with spiders. Arithmophobia– Concern with numbers. Arrhenphobia– Concern with people. Arsonphobia– Concern about flames. Asthenophobia– Anxiety about passing out otherwise fatigue. Astraphobia or Astrapophobia– Fear of thunder and super. Asymmetriphobia– Concern about asymmetrical things. Ataxophobia– Anxiety about illness or untidiness. Atelophobia- Concern with imperfection. Athazagoraphobia– Anxiety about becoming forgotton otherwise forgotten otherwise neglecting. Atomosophobia– Concern about atomic explosions. Atychiphobia– Concern about inability. Autodysomophobia– Anxiety about one that features a great vile smell. Automatonophobia– Concern with ventriloquist’s dummies, animatronic pets, wax sculptures Automysophobia– Concern about being dirty. Autophobia– Concern about becoming alone or away from your self. Aviophobia or Aviatophobia– Fear of flying.

Bacillophobia- Concern about microorganisms. Bacteriophobia– Concern with bacteria. Bathophobia- Anxiety about breadth. Batophobia– Concern about levels or being near to high houses. Batrachophobia– Concern with amphibians, particularly frogs, escort sites St. Louis MO newts, salamanders, an such like. Belonephobia– Anxiety about pins and you may needles Bibliophobia– Concern with instructions. Blennophobia– Fear of slime. Bogyphobia– Concern about bogeys or perhaps the bogeyman. Botanophobia– Fear of herbs. Bromidrosiphobia or Bromidrophobia– Anxiety about human anatomy smells. Brontophobia– Concern about thunder and you will super. Bufonophobia– Concern with toads.

Contreltophobia– Concern with intimate punishment

Carpophobia – concern with wrists Cardiophobia– Anxiety about the center. Carnophobia– Fear of animal meat. Catagelophobia– Fear of becoming ridiculed . Catoptrophobia– Fear of mirrors. Cenophobia otherwise Centophobia– Fear of something new or records. Ceraunophobia – Concern with thunder and you may super. Chaetophobia– Fear of hair. Chemophobia– Fear of toxins otherwise coping with chemical. Chiraptophobia– Fear of getting handled. Chirophobia– Concern about hand. Chiroptophobia– Anxiety about bats. Chorophobia– Concern about moving.

Chronophobia– Concern with upcoming Claustrophobia- Concern about confined places. Cleithrophobia otherwise Cleisiophobia– Anxiety about getting secured within the an enclosed put. Cleptophobia– Anxiety about stealing. Climacophobia– Concern about stairs, hiking, or out-of losing downstairs.. Coimetrophobia– Concern with cemeteries.. Coprastasophobia– Concern about constipation. Coprophobia– Concern about feces. Coulrophobia– Concern about clowns. Cyberphobia– Concern about servers or concentrating on a computer.. Cynophobia– Concern with pet or rabies. Cypridophobia or Cypriphobia – Anxiety about prostitutes otherwise venereal condition.

Decidophobia– Concern with decision making. Defecaloesiophobia– Concern with incredibly dull intestine movements. Deipnophobia– Concern with dinner otherwise eating talks. Dementophobia– Concern about madness. Demonophobia otherwise Daemonophobia– Anxiety about demons. Demophobia– Anxiety about crowds. Dentophobia– Concern about dentists.. Dermatosiophobia or Dermatophobia otherwise Dermatopathophobia– Concern about skin disorder.. Diabetophobia– Anxiety about diabetic issues. Didaskaleinophobia– Concern with attending college or university. Dikephobia– Anxiety about fairness.. Dipsophobia– Concern with ingesting. Dishabiliophobia– Anxiety about getting undressed before some one. Disposophobia– Concern about throwing stuff aside. Hoarding. Doraphobia– Fear of fur or peels of pets. Doxophobia– Concern with declaring feedback or of finding praise. Dysmorphophobia– Fear of deformity. Dystychiphobia– Concern with accidents.

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