Agraphobia– Anxiety about intimate discipline
If you are looking having a certain worry (anxiety about bots, concern with pets, etc), go to the list of fears of the category
Listings underlined may suggest most other more serious panic disorders including OCD. Some phobias may imply self-esteem points, PTSD otherwise forms of discipline. Please see “Throughout the Fears” for more information
Ablutophobia– Fear of washing otherwise bathing. Acarophobia– Fear of irritation or of the insects that cause itching. Achluophobia– Concern about dark. Acousticophobia– Anxiety about noises. Acrophobia– Anxiety about heights. Aeroacrophobia– Fear of open high locations. Agateophobia– Concern with madness. Agliophobia– Fear of pain. Agoraphobia– Anxiety about open areas otherwise to be from inside the crowded, public venues for example markets. Agrizoophobia– Concern about wildlife. Agyrophobia– Concern with streets otherwise crossing the road. Aichmophobia– Anxiety about needles or indicated objects.Continue Reading..
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